Preparing for Summer Success – Tips for Planning Ahead

Previously, we explored some of the small yet impactful ways to maintain weight loss and thrive in a healthy lifestyle. One of the barriers to success in this area is personal expectations, and we saw how learning to set small goals and expectations can help with meeting them. This week on the blog, Maryland Dietitian Kay Loughrey invites us to take what we have learned about setting small goals a bit deeper as we look at planning ahead – the secret tool in having a successful and healthy summer!

High on the list of important things to remember as you plan for a healthy successful summer is that there are multiple foundational factors that contribute. Sweet Life Wellness is here to walk you through each one as well as to offer some helpful tips for each one that you can start implementing today!


Throughout the summer months, it can be easy to find yourself on the go for an adventure here or errand running there. Yet one thing that often gets left behind during these summer adventures is a water bottle. Hydration during summer months is especially important because in most areas of the world the temperature rises, and your body begins to dehydrate at a faster rate than during cooler months. Your tip to plan ahead is simple… always travel with a water bottle! Whether you are running errands, hiking a national park, or road tripping for 6 hours, having a water bottle on hand can prevent you from becoming dehydrated. By staying hydrated, you will help your body improve digestion which will help keep you on track with your weight balancing goals!


Another tough healthy aspect of summer months is that of proper nutrition. Summer behaviors can risk building the habits of stopping to grab meals from fast food for convenience’s sake, neglecting portion sizes, or forgetting to eat healthy foods altogether.  One simple way to avoid this is to pack nutritionally filling snacks any time you are on the go such as apples and peanut butter, carrots and hummus, grapes and cheese, or watermelon and mixed nuts. Having these snacks on hand will help you get nutrients you need and will also help satisfy hunger until you can either head home to make a healthy meal or find a location that serves healthy food choices.


Summer is such a wonderful season of rest, with vacations and breaks from hectic rhythms of day-to-day life. But with those breaks from rhythms can also come the unexpected reality of neglecting to be physically active. One small tip to combat this is to set a reachable goal for yourself for each day that you feel you are “out of normal rhythm.” For instance, perhaps you set a goal to walk at least 30 minutes a day. Or if you struggle with joint and muscle pain, perhaps you set a goal to stretch for at least 15 minutes at the end of each day. Remember, small goals are your best solution!


Mental, emotional, social, and physical rest are all important aspects of having a healthy and balanced lifestyle, especially one that balances weight in a healthy way. During summertime, resting in this way can feel challenging, especially if those around you are constantly seeking the next trip or the next activity to fill their calendars. But, by setting small goals of rest, you can help your body stay on track during these hectic summer months! Some tips for you in this area could be to spend time journaling each morning or each night, find a quiet hobby you love and do it every day for half an hour, pack a lunch and spend time sitting quietly outdoors in a park, or play your favorite music as you do a hobby you love.


Finally, as you slowly implement these tips for a successful summer into your life, remember that balance will be your glue that holds all of these habits together. Balance means you recognize that you will not be able to everything perfectly, that building habbits takes time, and that you have the freedom to give yourself a lot of grace as you progress on your journey towards healthy weight management and a happy lifestyle! Sweet Life Wellness Invites you to explore more of what might be acting as a barrier in your journey by taking the Sweet Life Wellness “What Are Your ROADBLOCKS to Weight Loss?” quiz. Let’s keep moving towards that healthier version of you!



National Library of Medicine. “Diets.” Accessed June 19, 2024.

News In Health. “Hydrating for Health: Why Drinking Water Is So Important.” Accessed July 3, 2024.

National Library of Medicine. “12 Healthy Snacks With 200 Calories or Less.” July 3, 2024.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. “Tips for Starting Physical Activity.” Accessed July 3, 2024.

National Library of Medicine. “How to Improve Mental Health.” Accessed July 3, 2024.


Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian


Karis N. Hicks
North Carolina Central University M.S. – Nutrition Studies


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