One of the most meaningful lessons a person can learn is the importance of vulnerability. Many are afraid to express their emotions and have fear sharing personal stories to those around them. A multitude of people would consider themselves weak for speaking out about their feelings of despair, but know that you are strong. Having the strength to discuss your past is one of the most empowering actions one can partake in. Every single person has experienced hardships throughout their life, but it is how you react to those situations that shows resilience. Today, we are going to share the story of a hardworking, dedicated woman with a heart of gold. Cheers to living the healthy sweet life! Welcome to Laurie’s story.
Laurie’s Story
In May of 2020, Laurie contacted Kay to learn more about Sweet Life Wellness, Inc. She was impressed with Kay’s approach to nutrition, her background in the field, and the length of her career. After speaking to Kay, Laurie decided that Kay would be the perfect person to help her discover what nutritional approaches were right for her. As a mother of 3, Laurie wanted to prioritize her health while maintaining her busy schedule. Growing up, Laurie had always been a healthy eater but she recently started to fear how her family history might affect her health in the future. Laurie’s mother has diabetes and familial hypercholesterolemia due to an endocrine disorder that runs on the maternal side of the family.
Laurie wanted to take steps to prevent developing these diseases. She has always followed a clean diet and walked for exercise, but she understood that not all nutrition information published online is truly factual or targeted to someone with her unique set of challenges. After looking through Kay’s coaching packages, she decided that the Accelerated Private VIP Coaching Packagewas right for her.
Click here to learn more about the Accelerated Private VIP Coaching Package as well as other customer packages that would be right for you!
The First Step Towards A Healthy Sweet Life
Once Laurie signed up for the Accelerated Private VIP Coaching Package, she and Kay quickly got started on making changes to her diet. After a few meetings, Laurie learned how many nutrients she was inadvertently leaving out of her diet. “Before my conversations with Kay, I underestimated the importance of fiber, omega 3s, adequate hydration, and many of the micronutrients that promote optimal wellness. I was also unaware of the impact of stress/cortisol and sleep deprivation on one’s metabolism,” Laurie explained. After just a few adjustments to her diet and daily routine, Laurie felt the positive changes. Kay also gave Laurie advice on how to improve her physical fitness as well. “Kay recommended strength training and connected me with a trainer. I have been meeting virtually with this trainer three times a week consistently since the beginning of September and feel so much better now! I sleep more soundly, have more muscle mass and better posture, feel more energetic, weigh less, fit into my clothes differently, and have overall improved strength and balance,” said Laurie.
How Laurie Is Living Her Healthy Sweet Life Now
Laurie still continues to speak with Kay monthly on ways to improve her health even further. “I appreciate Kay’s considerable expertise. She is remarkably resourceful. By sharing her knowledge, she has given me the clarification and affirmation I seek. My own research left me with more questions than answers, so working with Kay has been a tremendous education,” says Laurie. Laurie also admires Kay’s empathy and commitment to her clients’ success. “Kay’s willingness to share her own personal stories along with her extensive knowledge of nutrition are what truly set her apart. She understands how complex an undertaking it can be to change one’s habits and one’s life, but she also shows how it is possible — because she did it herself!” Laurie recommends for anyone unsure if they want to meet with Kay to just say Yes! “Kay really changed my life. We went well beyond discussing food choices to discussing all aspects of health, all of the tools at my disposal, and how much control I have in aging in the healthiest way possible. I’m profoundly grateful.”
Want to learn more about how Kay can change your life? Click here to see how Sweet Life Wellness can help you!
Need more help towards reaching your goals and becoming your best self? Don’t worry. Give us a call and follow our Facebook page. We’ll make an appointment to talk via Zoom or by phone. Together, we’ll find a way to make your day a little healthier and happier.
Call 301-869-1787 or click here to set up an appointment as my free gift to you.
Announcement: Living Your Healthy Sweet Life Podcast Series
Be sure to check out our Living Your Healthy Sweet Life Podcast Series! In this series, we discuss how to break out of your old habits and form new healthy habits while still being able to enjoy cookies from time to time. Could you imagine a life not controlled by food or other cravings? It would be much easier to enjoy the moment you are in. Let’s make a fresh start together this week with Episode 5 on Enjoy Mindful Eating!
Click here to watch the Latest Sweet Life Wellness Podcast Episode on How to Enjoy Mindful Eating:
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To your Joy and Health,
Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
This blog post had contributions by Bailee Richman, Dietetics Student from the University of Maryland