Build A Better Sleep Routine

Lack of sleep is the number one problem for most persons who come to me to lose weight, and is why I’m writing this blog post about how to build a better sleep routine.  Sleep deprivation is a big problem, and many of us need to build a better sleep routine.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 3 Americans don’t get enough sleep. In fact, adults who had less than 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours were more likely to say they were obese, physically inactive, and current smokers compared to people who got enough sleep. Ten different chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, including heart attack and depression.

Why is it important to build a better sleep routine if you’re trying to lose weight? Sleep deprivation weakens our appetite control mechanism. When we’re fatigued and it’s easy to reach for more food or fatty, salty, or sugary snacks and hope that it will make us feel better.

3 Top Secrets to Sleep Well and Lose Weight

What can you do to get enough sleep so you can lose weight more easily? Here are my 3 best tips based on my experience and the persons I work with.

  1. Set a regular bedtime. Having a regular time to go to bed and get up in the morning will help reset your biological clock.
  2. Unwind before going to bed.Relaxing, meditating, or listening to calming music can help us get ready for sleep.
  3. Unplug from devices. Avoid TV, social media, and playing games on devices for the last hour before bed and help us transition to rest and sleep.

These tips can help you sleep well and lose weight.

Becky, was a nurse and a night owl. She liked to stay up until 1 or 2 am. The later she stayed up, the more she snacked.  When she came to me for help, I did an assessment, we created a plan and she made a number of changes. She built a better sleep routine, and began going to bed by 11 pm. Then she had more stamina and also began to make healthier choices and lose weight. Becky lost 25 pounds. She also was happy that she’d become more active and had more energy to keep up with her husband who used to run circles around her.

When Sam came to me to lose weight, we did an assessment and he told me that he had sleep apnea and often felt fatigued. He also knew he needed to make changes and lose weight. As a result of working with me, he built a better sleep routine, ate better, and lost 20 pounds in 6 months. After he lost weight, he no longer suffered from sleep apnea got a good night sleep, and felt more alert during the day. He felt stronger, had more energy, and became more productive.

Sleep apnea is no joke and if left untreated can lead to fatigue, depression, and death. The most widely recognized symptom is loud snoring. What should you do if you think you have sleep apnea?  Consult with your doctor about treatment options and inquire about having a sleep study.

What else have you discovered that has helped you get enough sleep so you can begin your journey to lose weight?

Need help figuring out what creating a healthy relationship with food means for you? Don’t worry. Give me a call. We’ll make an appointment to talk via Zoom or by phone. We’ll see what’s right for you.

Call 301-869-1787 or click here to set up an appointment as my free gift to you.

Together we’ll create your healthy sweet life by building a healthy relationship with food.


To your Joy and Health,

Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN


Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist