As we continue celebrating and getting closer to different holidays this month, we will be discussing ways to get in the right mindset so you can enjoy holiday gatherings. This not only applies to the holidays this month but throughout the year.

Be realistic. While we all wish that holiday gatherings or parties could all go according to plan, they may not. It’s important to take time to understand and come to terms with the fact that planning can only get you so far. It is okay if things don’t go according to schedule. What matters most is seeing the faces of friends and/or family members that you may not have seen for some time, and enjoying each other’s presence. In addition, depending on who is attending, there may be a variety of people attending (different generations, friends, extended family, etc.) gathering. You may not all meet at the same levels of understanding, and that is okay. All you can do is try your best, then enjoy the rest.

Be mindful. Remember that it is okay to say “no.” Don’t feel guilty for not taking on more than you can handle. It is important to maintain your health (physical, emotional, mental, nutritional, etc.), even if that means asking people to give you some time alone. Don’t let holiday obligations cause you to compromise your health. People often understand that we all need some time to ourselves. Take a look at our Self Care Tips blog for some ideas. You can try self-massages, art activities, journaling, listening to soothing music, lighting your favorite candle, reading, meditating, or whatever healthy habit that provides you with comfort.

Be vocal. People aren’t mind readers and oftentimes, the main planner(s) of the gathering can feel overwhelmed if they are doing everything by themselves. If you need assistance with something, SPEAK UP. Let others know what they can do to assist you. When you try to do everything yourself, this can lead to things being put on the backburner and being forgotten about, which then adds to your stress. You may want to do things all by yourself so they turn out exactly how you imagined, but as we mentioned earlier, it is important to be realistic. Delegate roles and responsibilities, and let people work at their pace.

Be understanding. We are all our own person. We all have different experiences, goals, viewpoints, etc. There may be family or friends at the gathering that you haven’t seen for some time and may have completely changed. Remember that time, whether long or short, is bound to bring some sort of change. Be open-minded and don’t expect people to behave as they always have. Take note that it may not be beneficial to try and play the “problem solver,” especially if you don’t see the whole picture of the situation. In addition, don’t be so harsh on yourself or others. Don’t be so quick to judge actions that you don’t know the history behind or reason for. Talk things out and don’t let misunderstandings be the cause of conflicts.

Feel free to take a look at our blogs to see some helpful tips on mindful eating to help you avoid overeating at holiday gatherings: Creating a Healthy Relationship with Food and Enjoy Eating Mindfully.


Feature Photo by Welcome Home on Unsplash

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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Blessing Bolomope, Student Intern
B.S. Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2020