Healthy Food Choices, Healthy Planet

Welcome readers to our discussion on how healthy food choices are sustainable for you and make for a healthy planet. Earth Day is April 22nd which brings to light a question: how do your food choices effect the planet? The Earth provides all the resources we need to live and therefore, we should be kind to our home. Nurture your body and a healthy planet by making healthy food choices.

In addition, the Spring 30-Day Challenge is the perfect opportunity to practice making better choices and living a healthy life. From new recipes to mini challenges, Trying new things makes living healthy more interesting. You will not be doing this challenge alone! The support from other members, Kay, and the interns will help improve moral if you’re struggling. Take the plunge and resister for   the challenge today and click the link here!

Photo by Vanessa Loring from Pexels

Eat more plant based. It has been proven that manufacturing meat products consumes a lot of resources, and produces a lot of waste. Reducing your intake of meat and dairy can benefit your diet and help the planet breathe. You don’t have to ban meat and dairy from your food pallet, just focus more on including plant proteins like nuts, legumes, and tofu. Introduce a variety of plants that bring a range of colors and new flavors into a meal.

 Avoid buying plastic. Obviously, reusable bags are way more sustainable and cuter than ratty plastic bags. Many different companies are going plastic free from implementing bio-degradable straws and paper bags in place of plastic. Try to buy unpackaged foods when appropriate to reduce waste and recycle any accumulated cans or plastic. When buying new food containers, consider glass or environment friendly materials.

Eat in-season foods. In season foods are much more environmentally sustainable. Why? Well, in season foods have to travel far less distances especially when they are locally in season. This short travel distance reduces pollution from transporting such goods. Sure, you may not find coconuts grown in Maryland, but corn, apples, peaches, potatoes, and all kinds of other fruits and vegetables can be locally in season.

Photo by Jo Kassis from Pexels

Shop at a farmer’s market. Support your local farmer’s by shopping at the farmer’s market. Usually, farmer’s markets have local in-season foods that taste ripe and flavorful. Overall, farmer’s markets are very environment friendly due to minimal plastic use and shorter travel distances as we discussed earlier. Farmer’s markets usually have healthier food options and even homemade products like honey or cheese. So take a trip to your local farmer’s market and stock up on the essentials for a rhubarb pie or a beef-vegetable roast.

Grow your own food!  If you want to take your environmental sustainability to the next level, try gardening. Not only is gardening a great way to grow healthy food options in your backyard, but also a way to connect with nature and destress. What fruits or vegetables would you grow? Maybe start out by growing tomatoes. You can always try to grow cucumbers, squash, and eggplant as vegetable options. Want some sweeter options? Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Grow whatever fruit or vegetable options you’re interested in. You’ll feel healthy, sustainable, and accomplished.

Practice eating healthy and register for the 30-day Spring challenge today by clicking the link here!

  • Click here to watch the Latest Sweet Life Wellness Podcast Episode on How to Enjoy Mindful Eating.
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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Candice Shipley, Student Nutritionist
Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2023