Welcome back to our celebration of National Nutrition Month where we will now dive into multiple ways that you can feed your body all the right nutrients while on the go. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid the trials and tribulations you experience when trying to fuel your body while traveling on your commute or to a beautiful destination. I understand how convenient it may be to stop at a gas station for snacks or go to a drive through for a quick meal, but you are in this for the long haul and your health is not a one-stop shop. In the near future I have a 6-week challenge to help you spring into your health goals, but for now let’s take a look into how to meal prep and plan ahead.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Pack a snack! I know this sounds like a no brainer but keep a few snacks in your car for the occasions that you find yourself too hungry to eat at home. Now be careful, you do not want to keep so many snacks in your car that you unintentionally eat them when you are not hungry. A handful portion of almonds, a pack of unsweetened applesauce, or the occasional protein bar would aid in helping to reduce hunger and possibly avoid overeating later! Other healthy snacks include walnuts, lightly-salted popcorn, baked chickpeas, and pumpkin seeds.

Meal prep for on the go! For the times that you have a long drive home, or simply a long time until you can sit down at a table and eat, you’ll thank yourself for meal prepping. A balanced meal consists of lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, and other nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Try establishing one or two meals options that you can prep for on the go. For example, one option could be 2 hard boiled eggs, ½  cup of cottage cheese, ½ cup of fruit, and a handful of almonds. Another option could be ½ lean grilled chicken breast, cut veggies with hummus, and cubed cheese with whole-wheat crackers.

Photo by Vanessa Loring from Pexels

Be mindful when eating out! Say you forget to meal prep or pack a snack, what do you do? If you decide to go eat out, try to choose a restaurant or fast-food chain that provides some healthier alternatives. For example, Chipotle or Qdoba are good choices because you can custom make your meal. Choose a lean meat, lots of veggies, a good carb source like rice, add on healthy fats like avocado or low-fat dairy, and stay awake from saturated and trans fats found in heavy creams. Try to swap fries for a fruit cup and stay away from sugar-sweetened beverages.

Photo by Naim Benjelloun from Pexels

Socialize while staying on track! It is perfectly alright to let yourself indulge every once and awhile. However, try to be mindful when eating in social settings. It is very common for individuals to eat more in social settings than they would alone. So just ask yourself, why am I eating this? Try to portion control when surrounded by a ton of temptations and prioritize what you want to indulge in.

Check out my previous article on if you should see a registered dietitian or nutritionist here!



  • Click here to watch the Latest Sweet Life Wellness Podcast Episode on How to Enjoy Mindful Eating.
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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Candice Shipley, Student Nutritionist
Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2023