Why Helping Others Starts With Self-Care

What caused Jenny, one of my clients, to put her self-care last and instead think about food all the time? Let’s explore how Jenny made one 15-minute small self-care pivot after work that made her feel more positive and better able to help others. Jenny’s story is shared excerpts from my new book, Happy Life at a Healthy Weight, Creating a Shame Free Healthy Relationship with Food and Life.

During our first call together, Jenny mentioned that she was frustrated with constantly thinking about food and felt anxious, almost hopeless about lack of control over her eating, weight gain, and negative mood. She had food cravings and needed help.

Challenges around work and parents were a source of stress that caused her to think about food all the time. Her overeating occurred mostly at home after work. Jenny had a highly responsible job, a daily commute, and was part of a sandwich generation, caring for both her children and ailing parents who were looking to her for help.

What Jenny really wanted was to feel like food wasn’t controlling her…Her vision of success was to have better mental health and not be preoccupied with food. She yearned to feel more positive and have a greater peace of mind. We did an assessment and discovered techniques that helped her make self-care a priority so she could manage stress and emotional eating. Exactly how did Jenny accomplish this feat?  One technique that helped was to disrupt the pattern of stress and eating once she got home. Based on our work together, when she walked in the door, she immediately switched gears. She walked to her bedroom, showered, changed clothes, and did a ten-minute relaxation exercise. When she began to cook dinner, she was more relaxed and less likely to eat while cooking. She was happy with her results because, as she said, she now had a healthy relationship with food, and it didn’t control her anymore.

This 15-minute self-care pivot brought Jenny greater peace of mind. Then it was easier for Jenny to concentrate on other important things in her life like caring for her family, including her kids and ailing parents.

Why make your self-care a priority?

It’s so easy to forget about self-care when we’re busy taking care of the people in our lives, our jobs, and everything else.  Then when the days is done’ we’re so spent that we have nothing left to give ourselves or anyone else.  What is the alternative?

“Won’t you and the people around you be better off when you are in a better mood, more engaged and productive, and not just surviving? The idea of giving from an empty cup often makes for resentment.” … As Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Han wrote in his booklet How to Love, “Until you are able to love and take care of yourself, you can’t be of much help to others.”

How to make yourself a priority 

What will it take to make yourself a priority? Take stock of how you’re currently investing your time and notice the best times of the day that you can make time for self-care. Realize that the time you invest in self-care by protecting your heart can reduce your risk of heart disease. Imagine leading a longer, healthier life to enjoy the loved ones in your life. Explore these 10 heart-healthy self-care tips (link) from the NIH National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute and the Heart Truth®.

Click here for a link to our last blog post, How Can You Make New Habits Stick by Making Them Easy and Fun.

Announcing the Happy, Healthy Sweet Life Community February event

I’m so excited to announce that I’m hosting a free monthly Happy, Healthy Sweet Life Community event. This is where I am actively supporting individuals to discover their version of the sweet life like we did with my client Jenny described in this blog post. This event is focused on sharing how to

  • Break free from self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck
  • Learn quick, practical wellness strategies that fit your busy life, and
  • Connect with people who truly understand your journey

If you or someone you know would like to participate – the event will be at noon on February 18th and is free to participate.

The one-hour event will be at noon ET on February 18th and is free to participate.  Click here for more information or to register: https://app.gohighlevel.com/v2/preview/8WAunOBag6M09QyygUUA 

Source: Take Action for Your Heart: Get Started. NIH National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute and the Heart Truth®.


Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN is a licensed Nutritionist-Dietitian   and a weight loss coach  with 30+ years of experience in helping people lose weight and develop healthier relationships with food. She coaches her clients nationwide providing weight loss planning, video check-ins, and more. Schedule your free consultation.