Starting Off The New Year

Welcome to 2022, where it’s a new year and a new you! As humans, it is sometimes in our nature to use a big event as a spark to ignite a turning point in life, whether it’s a major or minor one. What better moment to use than it being the start of a new year? In this week’s blog, we will be discussing ways to help better your mindset and environment to have a “new you” this year. Even one little thing a day could make a big difference in how you feel. Never forget that you are the best you there could ever possibly be! Don’t compare yourself to others and just strive to reach your own goals. We all have our own different purposes in life, so don’t get sidetracked by someone else as this can cause you to feel unmotivated. And with that, here are some tips you can consider for this new year!

Declutter. This can refer to anything: a room in your household, your car, your closet, that bin/folder of papers that you’ve been putting off, or even that desk full of random items. Depending on what you declutter, there can be various benefits: improving your concentration, clearing away dust and/or dirt that could be causing your sneezes, finding items that you thought you lost, and more. With a clearer space, that room or area can provide a newer feeling.

Write your goals where you can see them. Writing down your goals allows you to visually see them, making them seem more tangible. For example, they can be written on a sticky note by your work area or on a mirror you often use. When you are able to see your goals often, you can be reminded of what you want to do in order to achieve them. This is especially so if you normally have a busy schedule that requires your attention and focus elsewhere.

Break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. As discussed in last week’s blog, Happy New Year’s Head Start, you want your goals to be realistic and specific. For example, saying “I want to eat healthier,” can be a starting point. How do you want to eat healthier? Are you trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, or eat less fried foods? Are you trying to eat less snacks or not eat so close to bedtime? Breaking your goal into steps allows you to tackle things that you’d otherwise feel were impossible.

Encourage yourself. Starting off a new year can sometimes seem daunting as we may feel that there needs to be a dramatic change from how we were the previous year. This can make one feel that the goals they have set seem too small or underachieving; however, this is not true! Every healthy change you make, no matter what it is, helps you improve yourself. If you ever feel discouraged, try writing encouraging notes to yourself and place them around your home. For example: “You are doing awesome!” “This is tough, but you’re tougher.” “You can do it!” “Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.” “Be kind to yourself.” If you live with a loved one, you can write notes to them as well or even ask them to surprise you with notes in random places! You never know when those few words could make your, or someone else’s, day.

Feature Photo by Weston MacKinnon on Unsplash

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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Blessing Bolomope, Student Intern
B.S. Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2020