When I searched for a nutritionist, my goal was simply to understand which foods I should eat. Little did I know that I would come away with a completely reordered life and attitude about wellness.
Perhaps the greatest lesson from working with Kay was coming to terms with the way my demanding work schedule and my tendency to say ‘yes’ to every work opportunity that prevented me from prioritizing my health.
During this wellness journey, I’ve felt the benefits. I am proud of myself for reclaiming time to take better care of my health. I eat better, and I’m physically stronger. Based on Kay’s recommendation, I work out with a personal trainer three times a week and go on power walks on alternate days. I am more alert throughout the day, sleep more soundly at night, and have a brighter and more optimistic outlook — no small feat during a surreal, global pandemic. I’m also more confident about my food choices and meal planning.
Kay’s guidance also has led me to discover and experiment with new ingredients and recipes. My blood pressure has improved significantly.
Thank you, Kay, for sharing your knowledge and helping me find balance which had seemed so elusive for so long. Now, it seems as simple as extending one leg behind me and reaching out with the opposite arm.
When I first met with Kay, I was having digestive issues and wanted to lose weight. I was always gregarious and had lost my way. I have now lost 24 lbs because of Kay’s expertise and the tools she offered. My total goal is to lose 60 pounds 20 pounds at a time. I figure, I have to make the goals manageable in order to be successful, after all, I’m “in it to win it”!
As a result of working with Kay, I fit in my clothes better and am now down from a XX to a large in tops and 18 to 14 in bottoms. I can see my waist again, YAYYYYYY! (See my photo in my tankini top). I am starting to feel like my high-spirited self again! Happily, my husband, my best friends, and even my mother-in-law have commented on the new me! THANK YOU, KAY FOR MAKING MY WORLD SO MUCH BRIGHTER!!
Did a Nutrigenomix genetic test and consultation with Kay Loughrey and now I know what foods are really good for me and what areas I need to focus on based on my genetic profile. Nutrigenomix Personalized Nutrition Coaching really cuts through all the food programs out there and tells me exactly what is right for ME! Love the simple approach and suggestions Kay gave me on how to move forward in a way that is doable and easy! Yay! Thanks Kay.
Mike got help from Kay because he didn’t like the way he looked and became concerned about his health. He had several chronic health conditions when he came to see Kay. After an assessment we developed a plan. Then Mike lost 40 pounds working with Kay. He exercised more. He has stopped eating out as much and reduced his meat intake. His other results? His abnormal blood levels returned to normal and he cut back on his blood pressure medication.
What Mike had to say about working with Kay, “Most of all, Kay was encouraging.”
I’ve enjoyed working with Kay over the past year. She knows her stuff! Two things about Kay’s coaching have stood out; her up-to-date nutrition knowledge and her ability to focus on small wins. She has identified my body’s unique needs based on blood work and lifestyle. Emotional eating has been my biggest challenge. And while looking good is important, being healthy has been my goal. Kay has supported me by developing a program that fits my physical and emotional needs. I have learned tools to manage this as I stay focused on small wins, therefore seeing progress and feeling successful. It has been a pleasure working with Kay.
From working with Kay, I have lost 38 pounds! She has taught me to balance my carbohydrate and fiber intake, and my calories, for sustainable success.
She’s also provided countless tips–foods to try, how to eat out in restaurants, and many more–to help me re-think my eating.
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I was thrilled when my doctor told me that my weight loss has almost taken me below the diabetes threshold!
Kay was recommended to me by my personal trainer. He was point on in suggesting her. Over a three month period, I was able to get “unstuck” through Kay’s weekly guidance. Some of the benefits derived were: Simplifying processes to avoid becoming overwhelmed, creating meal plans to encourage us to eat at home, doing the genetic testing to discover new insights, learning about HSP and how it relates to my reactions to life situations, scheduling in more time for “me” throughout the week, focusing on things that are key to my wellness so that I can do other things in a centered manner, and learning to trust my inner guidance. Who knew all these things could happen in working with Kay! I went to her for nutritional guidance thinking my concerns were due to the foods we were eating. It was so much more than that and thanks to Kay, I am back on track and more focused towards my goals.
"What brought me to Kay was my weight. My weight was close to being diabetic. I was pre-diabetic and now it's a whole new me."
"Kay encouraged me to watch my portions, lower my calorie count, and now I'm exercising more." What does it feel like to lose 25 pounds? "
I have so much energy now that sometimes in the evening I have to calm myself down because I'm so excited. I didn't want to do anything before and now I'm ready to go."
Before Mark started nutrition counseling with Kay, he lived a lifestyle very similar to many other Americans. He often ate processed foods, fast foods, carryout from Chinese, pizza, etc… He was consuming more than 3500 calories a day and eventually reached 440 lbs.
Mark lost 120 pounds and plans to continue to lose about half of his original weight of 440 pounds. He has now completely discontinued fast and slow acting insulin, his blood glucose levels have reduced, he’s reduced the amount of cholesterol medication by half, his ejection fraction is up to a normal range, his resting pulse rate has reduced to 50-60’s per minute, and his doctor informed him that his blood pressure medication will also be reduced.